Diversity and Inclusion in Marketing: What Brands Should Know

Diversity and Inclusion in Marketing: What Brands Should Know

Posted By Nitish Khanna | September 28, 2022 | No Comments | Digital Marketing
Man is talking on his mobile and woman in check shirt holding a pen and smiling

Australia has been the land of opportunities for decades, making people from all walks of life move here. The percentage of immigrants has multiplied in the past few years, which has broadened our populace. Our society’s cosmopolitan nature has helped break cultural barriers and create a diversified milieu. Naturally, it impacted marketing because it caters to a diverse population.

The current multicultural social setup has made it necessary to include all demographics in marketing campaigns designed by business owners. While reaching their customers, they need to send out messaging that resonates with every individual in that segment.

Campaigns cannot be directed at one composite form of the audience as earlier because the target audience now comprises a wide variety of consumers. They differ in terms of age, social status, economic background, ethnicity, religion, colour, gender, and sexual preferences.

Thus, when marketers intend to speak to them, they must make each of these diversities a part of the conversation. Here is what brands need to know to become socially accepted by the people at large.

What Is Diversity and Inclusion in Marketing?

Businesses want to capture the largest market share possible through marketing efforts that connect the target audience with the brand. They need to build an identity perceived positively by the consumers to increase their trust and loyalty. The emotional association created through advertising and marketing aids in influencing the purchase decisions of the buyers.

Thus, it is essential to avoid tone-deaf campaigns and messages that can hurt the sentiments of communities and impact the brand’s image.

Inclusivity involves making all types of social diversities a part of content marketing. The audience should feel recognised and deeply influenced by the message to purchase from the brand. Therefore, it is essential to include every member of society in the making of the campaign to maintain sensitivity toward specific groups and understand their psyche.

Also, the message must contain information that appeals to all of them at some level. Since visuals and images are integral to content marketing, SEO experts in Gold Coast must pay attention to diversity and inclusivity while creating them.

It is vital to understand that inclusivity does not mean that you must add diversity to the campaign. It suggests understanding the diversity of your defined target market and including it in the marketing process.

For example, if you are selling wrinkle-reducing face cream, your target audience is women aged 30-60 years. While working on the content, you must include women of colour, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, and different socio-economic backgrounds, religions, and sexual orientations. A campaign directed at just white women will not sit well with a multicultural population.

How to Create an Inclusive Marketing Strategy?

Millennials, who form a substantial percentage of the Australian population, prefer brands that emphasise equality and are sensitive toward different groups and minority communities. Thus, brands must keep the points mentioned below in mind while developing their marketing strategy.

1. Carefully Understand the Demographics

A laptop is seeing on the table

Identifying a target market and developing marketing material based on it is like creating ‘one size fits all’ products. The technique is not relevant in today’s world, where customisation is the key to winning your buyers. You need to dig deeper, identify the diverse groups within your target audience, and collect information about their unique needs and desires.

Feedback from these diverse groups aids in preparing a strategy that everyone acknowledges. For example, you need to keep the interests of disabled people in mind and create videos and images with subtitles and voice-overs for easy comprehensibility. Thus, prepare a marketing style guide that is inclusive. It will aid in creating campaigns that influence different buying behaviours.

2. Build A Diverse Marketing Team

‘Practice what you preach’ is an adage that must be taken into consideration by businesses. They must hire people from different demographics as their content creators, designers, writers, developers, social media marketers and SEO experts in Gold Coast to ensure they are listening to all sections of the society. If they are propagating diversity and inclusivity through their content marketing, they must also have a diverse team in-house.

The marketing efforts of a diverse team will reflect an equalitarian ideology that will be accepted by one and all. The business can use its team’s behind-the-scenes moments to create videos that can be shared online and through social media to showcase diversity and representation at work. It will make the audience realise that the business is following what it is communicating.

3. Maintain Authenticity in Communication

Using real-life situations and stories of people who resemble reality are necessary to build authentic campaigns that reflect the true nature of our society. It helps everyone in the social mix feel associated with the brand and build an emotional connection. Using stereotypical settings and unreal people can work against the brand and make it appear discriminatory and intolerant. It can drive away a considerable part of the target market.

4. Measure the Progress of Your Effort

Marketers need to assess whether the campaign was received in the same manner by the audience as they intended. They must monitor its efficacy and relevance through sales figures and feedback from the buyers. The progress report generated through analytical tools can help gauge the response of the audience and changes in their buying behaviour. In most cases, inclusion in marketing aids in improving the brand’s credibility, visibility, sales, and loyalty.

5. Partners Should Be Chosen Cautiously

Group of people discussing on some topic

Businesses liaise with stakeholders, investors and other brands to expand. These partnerships are significant for the entity’s growth and capital flow. Besides these moneymaking tactics, the business needs to partner with non-profit organisations in Gold Coast to show its corporate social responsibility. Customers do not mind paying a few extra dollars for a product that contributes to a cause. Similarly, brands that propagate sustainability and produce eco-friendly products get a warmer response from the buyers.


Brands need to make a conscious effort to accept the diverse social environment of their target market to communicate their messages effectively. It is essential for business owners to incorporate inclusivity at every step of the marketing strategy to reflect their ideology and unbiasedness.